Monday, September 20, 2010

Voodoo Drums and Sunglasses

What an experience!! G.O. Ministries has worked in Haiti for many years. I (Audrey) have been there before, but have never experienced it quite like this.

A fellow missionary and I went to Haiti (along with members of our construction team) to help finish building a church that G.O. partners with in Phaeton. The church was damaged in a tornado a few years ago. We were there to help finish the new one that was already in the process of being built.

(This is the old church...the tornado damage is on the back side)

(The community came out to watch and help with the construction of the church)

(this is the back side of the new church after putting the roof on)

The town of Phaeton has a very interesting history. Around the 1950's an American built a rope factory in a desolate area in Haiti. He brought Haitians from different areas of the country to work in his factory. In the 1980's the factory went under and the community remained. All that was left were huts and people alongside of the ocean.
I was blown away by the abject poverty that I saw. Children with no clothes. Most people with no shoes. No stores to buy food and necessities. No running water. No electricity. No sanitation. No hospitals. No agriculture. No government. How do people live like this? It's all about survival.

I've often wondered why God allows people to live like this. Why do some live in complete abundance and others live in abject poverty?

God taught me something important in the beginning of my trip: It makes Him sad that people are living in these conditions. But, places like this exist because of choices that humans have made along the way. They are human errors, human mistakes. Not God's.

This is why God has asked every single one of us to be a part of His redemptive plan to restore His people and His creation.

You may wonder (like I so often have) do I do that? What can I do to help? The situation seems so hopeless. What can I do that is going to make a significant impact?

God taught me this. There are several ways that ALL of us can play a big part to help in desperate situations like the one these people encounter in Phaeton, Haiti:

Go on a mission trip and show these people love. Love on them and allow them to see Christ's love through you. Invest in their communities to help them prosper in His name.
And if we aren't able to actually Go, then GIVE. Give to organizations/missionaries who are making a difference in communities like Phaeton. And pray. Pray, pray, pray.
Pray. Go. Give.
These are 3 commandments from God.

I feel so blessed that I was able to be a part of building this church in Haiti. I pray that it stays full of people and that they cling on to the one true hope....Jesus Christ. I pray that these precious souls can hold on, hold on to the promise that their treasure is in heaven where they will suffer no more. That one day they will spend eternity wrapped up in the loving arms of the Messiah.

I had some interesting experiences.....some a bit comical, some a bit scary, some a bit intriguing:

I wore sunglasses to the worksite, all of the children were gathered around me getting closer and closer, staring into my eyes. What I finally realized was that they were seeing their reflections in my glasses. Most of them were probably seeing themselves for the first time. They were making funny faces and dancing all around with joy. What I saw through my sunglasses were beautiful creations made by God.

I woke up one night (I slept outside) to the sounds of drums. At first I thought it was probably children playing, but then realized it was the sounds of a VooDoo ceremony led by witch doctors. I was a little frightened at first, but quickly calmed by His overwhelming peace.
The next night we actually saw the ceremony taking place.
Voo Doo is a religion that many Haitians practice that involves the worship of spirts and demons.

(my bed, we slept outside all 3 nights)

There were many other interesting things: a tarantula crawled across Tim's chest while he was sleeping. I woke up with a chicken on my head. Taking a shower and going to the bathroom were quite the experiences. I ate horse for the first time (and last time).



(This is where they cook at the church for the children in the feeding center)
Dear Jesus, I pray for the people of this community that they will come to know the one true hope in a country where Voodoo is so rampant. I pray that we feel the burning passion in our hearts to be a part of your redemptive plan by giving, going and praying . Hold close those who are suffering in this world. I praise you for how BIG and mighty you are!


Jackie Perez said...

oh my sweet friend, how I pray that with you. So glad you got to go and so thankful for how He is working in your life! Love you!

Unknown said...

Audrey... WOW... Thank you for sharing this and for reminding me of our duty according to God. I will be praying for these people to come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. I pray they have hearts that come to love God. We, here, are so very blessed yet we find it so easy to complain. This was another reminder to me of just what Jesus requires of His disciples.
Bless you and thank you for all you do.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Audrey

Thanks for the report and the testimony. Your extended family is so proud of you and Will, and we're praying for your safety and continued effectiveness in spreading the good news of the Gospel!


Uncle Lyndell

Anonymous said...

A chicken on your head?!? What a brave girl you are. thank you for trusting, going and sharing your experience. Can't wait to hear more.
love ya, jennifer

Unknown said...

Audrey, What a powerful trip and testimony. I am so excited about our 2011 mission trip to DR and can't wait to see what God has in store for us this trip and future trips. Maybe I'll get an opportunity to use my French again with a future trip to Haiti? xo N

Jeff said...


It is an honor to serve alongside you and Will. What an amazing discovery we as a staff get to share serving together as we seek his Kingdom.

You guys are doing tremendous work! Proud of you, sister!