Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Thank you. Gracias. Mesi.
The summer is "officially" over. Many have come, many have served, great works have been done for the sake of The Kingdom.

We want to extend a million thank you's to all of the team members that so willingly came to serve the people in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
Thank you for pouring out your love, thank you for your smiles, thank you for the many acts of service that were shown, thank you for your sacrifices, thank you for giving to the poor, thank you for feeding the hungry, thank you for working tireless hours to help construct churches, homes and feeding centers, thank you for playing a beautiful part in God's restoration plan to His people and His creations.

feeding the children in Los Perez

Thank you for teaching the children, thank you for being solid role models, thank you for instilling the importance of disipline, hard work and dedication to these young people.

teaching the children at basketball camp

praying before a game

Thank you for praising Him, loving Him, thanking Him and serving Him alongside of our Dominican and Haitian brothers and sisters.

Thank you to those of you who gave financially to send these people to be the hands and feet of Christ this summer. Thank you to those of you who were on your knees praying. You play a big role in this Kingdom work!

Thank you to those of you who financially support the two of us. This allows us to stay here on the field doing the work that we feel called to do. Thank you for your generosity, love and prayers!

There are so many beautiful things that took place this summer......

partnerships were formed
bonds were strengthened
people were saved and baptized
training was given
churches were built
children were taught
the gospel was shared
unity among believers was evident

Thank you Jesus for the work you are doing in all of our hearts. May we seek you for direction and hear when you speak to our souls. We love you. Amen.

If you are interested in bringing a team to come and serve, please contact Audrey. This could be a group of friends, small group, sports teams, Sunday School class, etc. To coordinate your trip, you will be working with the 3 ladies below.

Vicki. Jackie. Audrey.

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