Wednesday, September 07, 2011 in slow motion

The summers are always our busiest time in ministry. We helped host and organize the details for 29 teams who came to serve on the island of Hispaniola this June, July and August. God moved in ways that were indescribable. We were so privileged to witness pure beauty, lives being changed, college men striving to pursue an intimate relationship with Him, small victories won, partnerships strengthened, churches being built, congregations grow, children being fed, purified water supply an entire community, people working together to redeem, renew and restore! I think our favorite thing to witness this summer was seeing some of the most influential kids from our basketball league start coming to church, regularly. Will and the Sports Staff have been inviting them for 6 years now, the fruit of their labor is so very sweet......they are beginning to know Jesus, to really know Him as their Savior. What a victory!


At the end of the summer, one generous soul blessed us with a gift....and he said, "do something for yourselves." Oh, how grateful we are to him, truly, from the bottom of our hearts. We decided to get away to one our most favorite places in the Dominican we needed it after an intense summer of ministry. It was such a wonderful time of refreshment and renewal. It was a time to talk about friendships, mexican food, how life changes, movies, the transformation of our character, silly things, photography, our future, it was a time to press pause, experience life in slow motion for a bit, and to see things through a fresh perspective. Life can be so busy, packed full of so many things, it can be like looking through a kaleidoscope at an array of beautiful colors, colors that can be a bit jumbled because we don't take moments to slow down, reflect, and make sense of all that is going on around us. These last few days, that's what we have done, we slowed down to bask in the glory of His beauty and His creations.

Our challenge to you is to find that time, soak in every second, enjoy it from the depths of your soul. You will find a sweet peace that is oh so fulfilling.

Enjoy the photos, it was hard to resist not snagging some snapshots to show the beauty that we were engulfed in. It's fun to brag on our God to show off his brillant and beautiful creations!






"A heart at peace gives life to the body..." proverbs 14:30

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