Saturday, July 02, 2011

....through my eyes


This week we hosted a group that is very dear to us. This team has been making trips to the DR for the last 14 years. We love you "G.O. Basketball!"
Many years ago, Will and I went on our first mission trip with the "G.O. Basketball team". This is when God planted the seeds in our hearts for missions, and to Him we are grateful. He had the path all marked out for us, He knew exactly what He wanted things to look like for us, He guided us, directed us, and showed us "our purpose".

As I was sweeping up some broken glass today at the basketball court, God gave me a moment to myself (which is very rare during basketball camp...29 Americans/140 campers). During this moment, I paused to think about what God was showing me this week. You might think after 6 years of living here, 6 years of teams, 6 years of working basketball camps, that things may seem repetitive, dull, or boring......this couldn't be further from the truth! Every day is different, and God continues to reveal Himself in beautiful ways.

This year, I took so much pleasure in watching Will do what he was "made for". God has gifted him in incredible ways and he uses those gifts daily to full capacity. Will has spent the last 6 years developing relationships with these children as well as the adults in the community. They respect him like I've never seen respect given before. They give this respect because he enforces discipline, he teaches, he loves, he shows compassion, and he presents The Gospel in a way that grabs their attention. He knows them all by name, makes them all feel special, and takes every opportunity for "teaching moments". I heard someone describe Will as a "magnet" this week. I think this is the perfect word to describe him. People are naturally drawn to him, and he doesn't use that for selfish ambition. I watched him use it this week to further The Kingdom!


God has created Him for this. I am forever grateful to each and every one of you who support us through prayer and financial giving. By your sacrifices, you are allowing us to do what God has made us for. Our prayer is that you will know how big of a role you are playing in advancing The Gospel....because you are.


Through my eyes.......I saw many beautiful things this week. I saw my life partner excelling at "his calling", I saw children being loved on, and I saw our lives here in the Dominican Republic making a difference which gave me a sweet peace that I will forever hold on to.


Be blessed today on this beautiful Sunday morning God has given us!

In Him,

(p.s. Will has no idea I'm writing this post..ssshhh!)


Taylor Norton said...

Audrey, what a beautiful post. You both are magnets and just beautiful people with beautiful hearts! Love and miss you guys!

Sarah C said...

It is so incredible watching you both do what you were created for! Our family is so blessed to see the fruit of your obedience through the years.