Sunday, July 25, 2010

"And now, these 3 remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:3

It's been 5 years since we exchanged vows and committed to love each other like Christ loves The Church.
It has been a beautiful 5 years! 5 years that we wouldn't trade for anything, 5 years that have brought laughter, joy and tears, 5 years that have changed us and molded us into the people that Christ desires us to be, 5 years of learning how to serve on the mission field, 5 years of growing meaningful relationships, 5 years of trying to express to all of you how grateful we are for your continued love and support. We hope that you feel our gratitude. It has been a beautiful 5 years!

We write letters to each other every year for our anniversary. They are so meaningful to us both and such keepsakes. 5 years, 5 letters!

On July 22, 2005 we were married, and on September 23, 2005 we moved to the mission field. For us, there is no better way to have started our lives together. We feel fortunate to have loved so passionately and to have been loved so passionately over these past 5 years.

This is where our journey began.....a journey that has entailed true joy, passion, service, love, laughter, tears, ministry, heart break, happiness, and growth.

It's been a beautiful 5 years!


Lolli (aka Lisa) said...

beautiful post, but r u sure about the wedding date and mission dates? 2010?

love u both...and congrats!(it's lisa syler, BTW!)

The Partins said...

Thanks Lisa! Oops, I corrected the dates, thanks for bringing that to my attention. It was so great seeing you last week. We love you too!!

Amanda said...

yay for 5 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!