Monday, April 19, 2010

His Blessings Overflow

It's been a blessed winter/spring here in the Dominican!

These past three months have been a whirlwind, my how time passes by so quickly.
When we arrived in January, it was full force Haiti relief work at a hangar in the Santiago airport. Will spent many hours coordinating flights, pilots and locations to drop supplies in Haiti. Thanks to all of you who so generously gave! G.O. was able to send hundreds of thousands of pounds of food, tents and medical supplies to Haiti.

His blessings overflow.

Will on the tarmac at the Santiago airport

Audrey has been training for the past three months for the Derby half marathon that takes place on Saturday, April 24th. She has been doing an ongoing fundraiser asking people to pledge per mile to help support her and Will's mission work in the Dominican. She has a purpose to which she runs! (see page on side bar for more info). Thank you to all of you who have so generously given towards this cause. Your giving continues to amaze us. Thank you for allowing our God to work through you!

His blessings overflow.

Audrey running through the country side in the Dominican, one of her favorite places to run.

Will continues his discipleship with the Sports Outreach crew. They are working through the Theology of Redemption. The focus of this study is how God is using His son and His followers to redeem and restore His Creation. The guys continue to grow as a group in unity!

His blessings overflow.

The Sports Outreach crew (missing one, Gamaliel, who assists Jose Luis with baseball ministry)

Audrey's sister, brother-in-law and niece came to visit for 10 days. It was such a wonderful time of fellowship! It had been close to 4 years since Audrey's sister had been here. It was so fun getting to show her our life in ministry here in the Domincan.

His blessings overflow.

Audrey's sister, brother-in-law and niece in the feeding center in The Hole

One of the most special highights of these past 3 months was our home church from Louisville, KY, St. John United Methodist, coming on a mission trip. They helped build the Central Church which is going to be such a light in the community. Thank you to all of you for your love, encouragement and prayers. We couldn't be more blessed to have such a precious church family!

His blessings overflow.

St. John United Methodist Church in the Dominican Republic

His blessings overflow.

We leave for the states tomorrow (Tuesday) and plan on spending about 3-4 weeks there visiting family and friends, fundraising, having staff meetings,working the Derby as a G.O. staff and enjoying Will's sister's wedding! When we return at the end of May, we'll be gearing up for a busy summer with lots of teams traveling down for mission trips. Ready, set, G.O.!

Please continue to pray for continued growth in our individual walks with God. Thank you to all of you for your continued support. We are humbled by your love!

In Him,

Will and Audrey

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