Sunday, January 24, 2010

G.O. Ministries was able to fly 15 doctors and nurses over to Jacmel, Haiti to do some emergency relief work. They returned to Santiago last night exhausted and stunned by some of the images that were engrained in their minds. We were privileged to sit with them at dinner listening to their stories and their hearts. They saw many of the injured Haitians, casted broken bones and amputated limbs. The bravery and passion shown by this group of physicians is nothing short of amazing. On a small scale, they were able to give pieces of comfort and hope to the victims of this tragedy. We still pray that God continues to reveal himself to this country in need and that they find His hope, His love, and His mercy!
We housed the doctors in our dorm in Santiago last night and got them off to the airport this morning so they could return home to their families in Boston.

Please continue to give of your resources so more lives can be saved. Visit our site at:
In His Arms,
Will and Audrey Partin

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