Every morning we began camp with chapel. Three women from the church and a few men formed the praise and worhip team as we lifted our hands through singing. All of the kids in the camp loved clapping, worshipping, and laughing at the Americans who had no rhythm. Each day one of the Americans shared their testimony and a Dominican friend of ours, Samir, preached. By the end of the week, the response was great as 40 kids came forward to find out what a relationship with Christ is like. Please pray for these kids who are hungry for the gospel. Audrey, Pedro, and I are spending this week visiting the houses of those who want to learn more. Pray that we will all be consistent in our walk with God.
We are now preparing for the first ever G.O. Ministries basketball league that will begin July 4th. This will be an 8 week league where kids will practice, play games, and have a Bible study with their teams. We are praying that this will provide consistency, commitment, and discipline in the lives of the children here; 3 big things in which they are lacking.
The summer is a very busy time for the ministry as a whole. We have two teams down here every week working on a variety of things. Right now, a church from Illinois is here for a medical clinic and construction. Also, a church just south of Indianapolis is here to serve in construction and children's ministry. Because this is such a jam-packed summer with short term mission trips, sports leagues, and the usual daily ministry, please pray that we are able to continue to grow spiritually as a staff. Many of us know what it is like to get so busy that we forget our daily time with God. Please keep us accountable by checking in with us and asking if we are continuing our much needed quiet time.
We are so excited about being back here and we can't wait to see what God has in store for the summer. Each day He reveals something new to us and He becomes bigger and bigger. There is great comfort in knowing His plans are far great than our dreams. Thanks again to all of you who are praying and supporting us. We are blessed to be here. Please enjoy the pictures from the basketball week!
Audrey and Will