Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I don't know how many times I've read the words of Jesus in Matthew 28 when He says, "go and make disciples of all nations", and thought that I truly understood what that might be like. He showed us a glimpse of what He is capable of a couple of weeks ago. We had the privilege of having the Indiana Wesleyan University's Men's Soccer team come down here for a short term mission trip. They held a soccer clinic for a bunch of kids in Los Perez with Pastor Nico and in the evenings, they played games against other mens' teams on the island. On Saturday evening, we traveled to La Vega (city about 30 minutes from Santiago) to play against a team from our Haitian Soccer Ministry led by Romano. At half time, one of the Americans from the IWU team shared his heart with the opposing team, fans, and some others that were standing around. This is where God showed the power and possibilities of Matthew 28:18-20. Three Nations (U.S.A.,
Haiti, and Dominican Republic) were represented in a circle on a soccer field. Three languages were being spoken......One God was being shared. Just when a language barrier seemed to be the most difficult obstacle, Jesus showed that He is universal. For a span of 90 minutes (soccer game), cultures didn't matter, language wasn't important and skin color wasn't noticed. It was a slice...a glimpse of all nations living together like we all came from the same place. This is where I understood the Great Commission for the first time. Jesus is providing opportunities for us to fulfill His request; please pray that we're equipped.

This was a special week as we cracked into the soccer world here in the D.R. We were able to meet the president of the soccer federation and set up a game against the U-23 National team. We all hopped on the bus and went to San Cristobal to participate in a first ever for G.O. Ministries. It was a 1-0 game in favor of the Dominican team. We're excited about the future relationship with these guys.

We recently finished our 6-week volleyball ministry. The girls from the neighborhood of Hoya del Caimito competed in a tournament and shared in an awards ceremony. At the ceremony, we shared a message, gave out a medal to each participant and showed them a slideshow of the tournament they played in. The girls responded with enthusiasm and now Audrey and Amanda are leading a Bible study for the girls. Please pray that God will open the hearts of these girls
and that the leaders will be well prepared to serve these teenagers.

We are awaiting the arrival of St. John UMC which will include The Partins (Rob, Mom and Dad). For those of you outside of the SJUMC family, this church is a great support to us and they are coming down on their first trip. They will be working in Hato del Yaque doing construction, so please pray for safe travel and servants' hearts.

March usually brings a lot of rain here in the Dominican Republic, so there will be many homes affected in certain areas. We have a church in an neighborhood called Hoyo de Bartola (The Hole) and as time passes, the land changes due to rain so a large number of people lose their homes and have to start over. So as the Spring brings warmer days in the States, please remember those in need of prayer down here during what could be a difficult month of weather.

We hope that your ministries are going well and that God is revealing new things to you each and every day. We always look forward to hearing from you all so please don't hesitate to update us as well.


Audrey and Will
IWU Men's Soccer Team
campers and players a couple of campers

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